SEO & Digital Marketing Acronyms & Abbreviations


Have you ever heard acronyms like PPC, SEO or SEM but you didn’t know what these meant? Don’t worry, in the Digital Marketing industry acronyms are really quite straightforward. Here is a list of SEO and Digital Marketing acronyms to help you understand what all those stand for:

Alt Text: Alternative Text

AMP: Accelerated Mobile Pages

CMS: Content Management System

CPC: Cost-per-Click

CPA: Cost-per-Action or Cost-per-Acquisition

CPM: Cost-per-Mille (Thousand impressions)

CRO: Conversion rate Optimization

CTA: Call to Action

CTR: Click-Through Rate

GA: Google Analytics

HTTP: Hyper Tex Transfer Protocol

HTTPS: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure

NAP: Name Address Phone Number

PPC: Pay-per-Click

ROI: Return on Investment

SE: Search Engine

SEO: Search Engine Optimization

SEM: Search Engine Marketing

SEA: Search Engine Advertising

SERP: Search Engine Results Pages

WWW: World Wide Web

URL: Universal Resource Locator

UX: User Experience

If you want to learn more about this industry and how Digital Marketing and SEO can help your business drop us a message with your query and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can! Feel free to propose an appointment to discuss whatever you’d like to know on what we can offer: SEO, web design, web development, social media and online marketing in Malta! You’ll be able to meet up our team and see us all in action!