SaaS; can it be a saviour for our future?


SaaS – a distribution model for software that stands for Software as a Service. This distribution setup deals with the hosting of software by third parties. This hosting service eliminates a downloading element that is often avoided in modern run of the mill technology services. In a digital age where cloud databases are the future and, to a certain extent the present, total access to owned material is experienced by users through a web browser interface every desktop owner can reach.

Putting your software up in cloud computing is also common in IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service). Such services are so commonly used by tech savvy individuals on a daily basis, with users unaware of this convenient facet available to internet users. Google Apps, Dropbox and MailChimp are three of the most popular SaaS cloud setups that give marketeers, creatives and executives of all industries an easier option to getting their jobs done efficiently and effectively.

Working on a cloud is not only convenient and easy to use, it’s also a great means to create community working environments. Sharing documents, giving access to different departments or making use of the latest UX updates are yet another perk of working remotely. The benefits are endless, here are a few perks explained and analysed.

On the ball

Keeping your working platforms up-to-date is paramount for a company’s cost and time effective ways, as an individual it is also important to make the most of your time and out-of-date software can really slow things down. Digital software accessed through cloud solutions is housed on a remote server and can be upgraded centrally alleviating the strain of individual computer updates. Maintaining high performance software on a cloud is the easiest way to introduce latest versions of your technology requiring tools.

Always fully equipped

Apart from manually upgrading your software on any given device, cloud solutions rid users of the painstaking and costly process of upgrading hardware. PCs will no longer need to be upgraded simply because a programme used by the company or household has developed beyond its machine’s capabilities – new technology will be purchased for user experience and not functionality.

Cost effective savers

Much like hardware being costly, software can also rustle up quite a bill at the culmination of a new business. Updates in hardware and software are a given, the lifespan of a device and the relevance of a program is questionable after a few years, but switching to cloud supported software can cut down a substantial amount of costs.

At lightning speed

The quicker the deployment, the happier the user. Since software does not need to be installed on the user’s device, there’s a certain amount of hard disk power left to speed things up a little. With SaaS, faster deployment and increased productivity can be experienced across the entire working team.

Increased user accessibility

Computer? Check! Internet connection? Also check. It’s as simple as that! All you need to access an SaaS app is a running computer with a live internet connection, the stronger the faster. Your location? Choice of device? Totally up to you – and what’s more, programmed updates ensure you are working on the latest files and not backdated versions.

Working on a SaaS clearly has its advantages; there’s no doubt that this is the model that will be in use for future technology users. Clouds, remote databases and drives of every sort are structured systems that generally work to a T but there are a number of knockbacks that developers will need to sort out before we perfect this convenient setup.

Are you safe?

Questions of breaches in security have come up in the SaaS discussion and there is a fear of data malpractice. For high security facilities and providers such as those in the healthcare, legal or financial departments, sensitive information is their standard sort of data. Privacy and security may be challenged here.

Are you limited?

Traditional software models are usually more versatile in look and feel, responsive features and overall user choices – there’s a lot more to work with when it comes to physical software. This is one factor that limits the variety in SaaS service providers.

Are you connected?

If you’re not on the grid then SaaS is probably not for you. In order to access online software, a strong internet connection is required. The strength of your internet connection determines how rapidly deployment can take place so if your connection is pretty weak SaaS may not be in our near future.

Are you integrated?

If your daily software habits depend on the integration of other apps, it may be slightly challenging for the SaaS available at the present. Connecting SaaS to other remote software is limited to a number of providers, so before you think of making the switch from traditional to new age; make sure all your preferred software can be integrated seamlessly.

Looking at the pros and cons from a user’s perspective is pretty personal. You’ll have to weigh out the functionality perks and question whether the drawbacks are drawbacks at all. If you’re constantly connected to the highest speed internet, keep your cloud software up-to-date and don’t mind what your interface looks like or require a simple storage for non-confidential data, the answer is right there in front of you.

Future developments in SaaS, IaaS and PaaS will make this cloud option a no brainer and provide a system where connectivity, security and unlimited storage are unchallenged.