How to Choose the Right Digital Marketing and SEO Partner

SEO agency

To answer the question how to choose the right partner to manage SEO and digital marketing activities, it must be said that the first thing to consider is whether to manage these marketing activities in-house or to rely on an expert digital agency. This obviously depends on various aspects including the economic one.

In this article we will give you some advice that will help you choose the right digital agency and we will see why:

  1. They should ask you many questions
  2. You should ask them questions
  3. You should do your research

1. They should ask questions about your business

Usually during a meeting, a phone call or a Skype call between client and agency, the client gives all the information about its company, telling the story, the business organization, explaining what the challenges are, the difficulties and especially highlight the business and marketing objectives they want to achieve. All useful information that will be used by the agency to subsequently develop a strategy.

This dialogue cannot and must not be one-directional. Choose those who will ask you the most questions about your business. Asking questions means they really want to understand how to help the business grow and it is a good sign for a solid collaboration to achieve goals together. At the end of the day, you are choosing your new team mates.

2. You ask them questions

Exactly. In addition to talking about your company and answering the questions you are asked, be prepared to ask specific questions. For example: do you have experience with similar projects in my sector? How will the workflow, collaboration and reporting be managed? Will there be regular meetings?

Digital marketing strategies can vary depending on the sector or type of website. An SEO strategy for an eCommerce selling electronics abroad will be very different from a strategy for a local restaurant. There are also agencies specialised in some specific activities or in some specific sectors; such as SEO agencies specialising in link building or agencies expert only in strategies for small local businesses.

3. Do some research

Do your research before or after meetings with an agency. Search on Google, look at their website, look at their portfolio or if there are similar case studies to yours. If you are contacting an agency to help you to better position your site on search engines try to search for their services on Google using keywords like “SEO Malta” and see how their site ranks compared to the competition, if their site is well positioned, they can do the same with yours too.


With this article we hope to have given you some useful tips to choose a good digital marketing agency. Unfortunately, there are agencies that have ways of operating that focus on their interests rather than the results to be brought to the customer.

Are you considering choosing an agency to help you with advertising or SEO?

At 4Sight we have a team composed of SEO specialists, social media specialists, web developers, copywriters and graphic designers as well as account executives who take care of customer relationships for a solid and transparent collaboration. If you are considering choosing a partner to help you achieve your goals, we would be happy to listen to you, but above all… ask questions!