Reasons Why You Should Invest in Data Security


Data is what makes the world go round. We may think it’s money, and of course that is a major asset that fuels a business, but without data, no business will thrive. When data is breached and falls into the wrong hands, catastrophic results are expected to follow. Data security is one of the most fundamental parts of a safe and floating ship, and therefore an essential investment in any serious business.

At 4Sight we specialise in bringing you the best tools that are tried and tested for your absolute satisfaction. We also offer genuine advice to our clients and believe that your protection is a symbol of our success in the data security industry.

Let’s learn more about why data security is so important to every company’s success.

What is data protection?

Simply put, data protection is the safeguarding of all content that your company adds to their database, whether it belongs to the company itself or the clients you service, data is a goldmine that hackers will do their utmost to attain in any way, shape or form.

According to Europe’s GDPR regulations, the collection of data has also become a fundamental part of digital management and online reputation. It is no longer acceptable to add emails to your contact list and send out emails and marketing ploys whenever possible, but this is not the only reason data collection has been restricted.

In fear of data breaches, the authorities saw it fit to limit the amount of data and duration for which data is kept by any company. By consenting to your data being present on a company’s database, your information may seem to be more susceptible to exposure, but the majority of reputable companies now have data security to protect your data.

Why is information security an important factor to a successful business?

Data security is the key to success for big profile and small agency systems. The contents of personal data often include:

  • transaction history,
  • insider knowledge,
  • private communication,
  • valuable databases,
  • company infrastructures and
  • a huge array of content that is not meant to be shared with the public.

This might seem deceiving, but every company has a right to store their data and key findings in market research in a private and confidential manner. Barring the obvious unlawful sourcing of information or harmful content of a shoddy company, a company’s data is one of the most precious assets it owns.

Ensuring you have a smooth running and efficient data security system, your company will enjoy the benefits of:

  • keeping sensitive data away from your competitors,
  • retaining the company’s integrity and upper hand in a market and
  • sourcing data and stats for future use and reference.

What happens to a company that fails to invest in data security?

This is the biggest fear of a company. Let’s say you run a financial investment company and need a large number of private and confidential files to give your clients the best service they can get, now let’s also imagine that your data, files and sensitive material is left out in the open for any prying eye to sift their way through the content you promised to keep secure. Your company would in a very short amount of time experience a breach in confidentiality and leave your clients investments, assets, future prospects and reputation in great peril.

Data security systems are set in place to avoid any unlawful conduct with your clients’ data, with coded, encrypted and locked content protecting the data for office use only. You may think that this is a rare and uncommon occurrence, but with personal data, hackers are able to use confidential files as ransom for colossal amounts of money in cyber attacks and system hacks.

This sort of malicious behaviour could result in:

  • Additional costs, fines and legal implications that may cause a company to entirely sink its once thriving business.
  • Reputation damage that will be near impossible to recover from, especially if the cause of the breach was due to lack of the correct data security measures.
  • Job losses for a number of employees that were either directly involved or innocent bystanders in a downfall of a company.

Understanding the ways in which you can improve your data security and deliver quality services to your clients with the reassurance of data protection is the only way to succeed in a business of the 21st century.

At 4Sight, we take data security and the protection of client assets very seriously, in fact it’s one of our key service points in our industry. Choosing the right security provider might be confusing at the start of your new business, or current business’ security upgrades.

But a lot of the efforts do come from inside your company itself. Employee vigilance can help to safeguard your data and ensure that all your data security tools are used to their full capacity. We give you all the insight and tools to train your employees to maintain good practices while on the job and at home.

Some of the good practices that you might want to remind your employees of rather regularly include:

  • multi-factor authentication to ensure the right people are using your company tools,
  • limitations on cloud-based computing for the protection of highly sensitive data,
  • awareness of malicious emails and messaging targeting big companies for information and
  • the sharing of details with spammers, no matter how legitimate they might seem.

The truth is that scammers are very good at what they do, their aim is to make you believe that they are legitimate brands, companies or at the bare minimum posing as another brand to get your immediate attention and trust.

Why not set up a meeting with one of 4Sight’s data security experts to discuss your data security solutions for the protection of your staff, your company and your clients’ reputation and success?