Client: Building and Construction Authority
Project Type: IT Support
Sector: Building and Construction
The Building and Construction Authority, BCA, is responsible for safeguarding building working spaces in Malta, by ensuring the processes are developed effectively and that follow up-to-date regulations, as well as developing policies and practices that support compliant and sustainable building.

Project Details
The collaborative initiative between 4Sight Group and BCA aims to fortify BCA’s technological infrastructure fostering seamless operations and ensuring uninterrupted access to essential resources, constantly enhancing their network, stability, security, updates, and everything needed to enhance BCA’s IT infrastructure.
To ensure this, 4Sight Group have a team stationed at BCA, handling from day-to-day desktop support up to critical issues and project development that might arise.
Services Provided
IT Support
IT Maintenance
Network Maintenance
Backup Solutions
Cybersecurity Consultancy
Levels of IT Support Provided

Level 1
Cover an array of IT support from basic user assistance as login issues to hardware and software installation.

Level 2
Cover an array of troubleshooting requirements on the line of intricate tasks like accessing to SharePoint and troubleshooting DNS issues.

Level 3
Expert assistance covers purely networking, firewalls and cybersecurity.

Main Challenges
Facing the need to find a better backup solution for BCA, 4Sight Group successfully undertook the challenge of building a data backup procedure at the same office of BCA’s operation, as they want to keep the data backed up locally. The core objective was to fix the server backup and create an Endpoint Data Protection for menagerie staff. Along with that, 4Sight Group created a new route to move their original data from one end of the building to another where the backup is located.
As a result of this implementation, 4Sight Group developed a solution to BCA, consisting of creating a local daily backup of their processes and documents.
In addition to this, 4Sight Group works in collaboration with the Malta Information Technology Agency, MITA, when work is required related to the core network.
Day-to-Day IT Solutions
When BCA moved to their new location in Marsa during 2023, 4Sight Group successfully achieve to dismantled systems from the old office, and moved and reinstalled the core IT network in the new place, including switches, WiFi, telephony systems and access point, enhancing it according to the inside-out knowledge of the system 4Sight Group have.
4Sight Group provides ongoing support to BCA’s day-to-day IT requirements to ensure reliability and efficiency on their IT infrastructure. The L1 and L2 desktop support addresses requirements on the line of accessing system issues, software installation, cable moving, and telephony system updates. On the side of L3 support, 4Sight Group is bringing processes to enhance BCA’s IT network, implementing solutions along the lines of improving their backup solutions, improve internet connection and reducing the risk of cyber threats.
Through ongoing collaboration and proactive solutions, 4Sight Group continues to play a key role in supporting BCA's IT infrastructure and day-to-day IT solutions ensuring seamless operations and IT reliability, efficiency, and security.

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