Digital Advent Calendar Social Media Pack 1 of 4: 2024 Social Media Calendar
Don’t miss a single day to celebrate on your Social Media Channels and share all the special days of the year with your customers.
Our exclusive social media calendar template is ready your key to strategic content planning. Stay on top of trends, engage your audience, and elevate your brand presence.
Download your free calendar now and make this year your best one yet!
This is how you can fill out the Social Media Calendar Template:
- Category: What is your post about? Put it in here
- Channel: If the content goes to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, or any other Social Media Channel, include it in here
- Budget: You can fill this column with the allocated budget for the post or Social Media campaign
- Targeting Attributes: Don’t forget to include the persona you are targeting (Managers, Directors, Assistants, Engineers, Developers, Designers, CEOs, Executives, etc).
- Photo, Image or Video: Fill this column with the type of content you are creating for every post
- Copy Text: Type in here your post text, and don’t forget to include emojis
- Text on Image: If your post has a visual, include here the text that will be displayed
- Day of the year: On the marked days, you will find which celebration you can take note of in your Social Media Strategy
Feel free to adjust and customise the template to match your brand’s tone and style and specific preferences for the content.
If you require any assistance with your Social Media Stratgey for the year 2024 feel free to get in touch with us!