4 Effective Ways to Boost Real Estate Sales With Digital Marketing Tools

The Real Estate market is a thriving sector in our economy that will continue to spike due to the demand and necessity of the industry. Whether it’s rental or sales, real estate agents are constantly finding new ways to meet their client’s specifications and needs and improve their quality of communication, both offline and online.

With a strategic approach to conveying the right message, digital marketing strategies can help to convert potential viewings of properties into well-rounded campaigns that allow the public to understand your company’s mission and commitment to the industry. Learn how to boost your real estate sales with key exposure tactics through these highly effective digital marketing tools.

Make Real Estate Email Marketing part of your Digital Campaign

Your primary asset as a real estate agency is that you hold vital contact information that, alongside the standard rules of GDPR, will allow you to convey the right message at the right time.

Think about all the first-hand information, or potential exclusive information, that you get directly from your property owners; that valuable content is worthy of sharing with your audience. Displaying your content in an easy to read manner, with quality visual backing and a strong and click-worthy subject line will give you the upper hand in the market. Always remember to:

  • give your subject line some extra thought for optimum click through rates,
  • be current with your listings and offerings to make your voice stand out from the rest,
  • adopt a friendly yet professional tone to relate to your audience and properties,
  • provide the right links to your website’s contact pages, property listings and related content,
  • deliver a unique message with ties to your social media and
  • give your email recipients enough information to understand the content while urging them to get in touch with a strong CTA.

Ensure your Website is User Friendly and Visually Appealing

Our world is as digital as it gets, so providing an online real estate experience that hones in on all the perks, qualities and important information needed when buying or renting property will give your potential clients a sense of belonging.

Your real estate website is one of the many in your market so finding ways to make your content interactive while ensuring trust and honesty is what will draw the clients in. The UX of your website will give your potential buyers or renters the reassurance they need to know that you take the job seriously and are devoted to your industry. Make sure your website always meets this criteria:

  • content is up-to-date and structured,
  • it is supported by visual aid such as videos and photography,
  • loads at the most optimum speed and efficiency,
  • offers all the vital information for the processes in renting and buying and that
  • it is structured and layed out to meet every user’s needs with clear categories and service pages.

Give your Digital Marketing a boost with Targeted Real Estate PPC Ads

The most vital way of reaching a broad spectrum of viewers in your digital marketing efforts is to know when to allow your content to perform organically and when you should support your reach with a monetized boost.

Making use of Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns will allow you to set goals within your budget and reach a whole new audience who may not have seen or interacted with your content organically. Whether it’s a social media post or a Google Banner, PPCs are a great investment for your company. Here are some key tips when running a PPC Campaign:

  • make sure your copy and imagery is 100% accurate before boosting,
  • set realistic targets and base your results on past content success,
  • set a daily budget that you are comfortable with – never go over,
  • make sure all your content is optimised for the right platform and
  • do some keyword research to make sure your ads appear to the right audience

Provide Valuable Blog Posts for Credibility and Reliability

Whether it’s a blog or two a month, a virtual tour series or a serious weekly podcast or webinar where you share your experience, a good hit of SEO and SERP practices will take your real estate online presence to the height it needs to be. There are so many ways of developing content into ground-breaking material that’s sure to convert so getting yourself a marketing team you trust and work with easily is a super benefit!

Blogs are fantastic ways to increase your visibility online and virtual tours are full-experience videos that draw users in right away! Lastly, making sure you rank on the first page on Google is a great benefit. Yet another tactic, marketing experts will help you excel at! Here are a few blog, vlog and podcast tips you might want to try:

  • do your targeted keyword research before writing every blog post,
  • commission a professional to write your blogs for the highest quality,
  • make sure you have a planned out strategy with a variety of topics and angles,
  • line up your website content with your social media plan,
  • share all content to your active social media accounts,
  • invest in good lighting for your vlogs and webinars,
  • ensure that you have the tools to edit your video content and
  • proofread and double check all content before going live.

The secret to making this work is to invest in not only your appearance to the crowds by means of your online, social or general marketing presence, but also by investing time and money into your agents. The best way to sell houses is by getting your property known, but ultimately, the agents in your squad have the power to kill a sale with their faux pas or overall lack of knowledge.

Get your team in order; give them sufficient training in property and marketing tools that can help boost an agency’s sales and ultimately the realtor’s overall commission, customer rating and success in the company. This plus a good digital marketing strategy will make a world of change!

Contact 4Sight today to handle all your digital marketing needs from social media to blog content, website improvements and PPC Campaigns, we sync our goals and targets with your expectations to make sure you’re always on the ball and soaring above your competition. Get in touch with one of our experts today!