4 Tips on How to Choose a Domain Name to Get you Noticed

top level domain

Finding the perfect domain name for your business can be a real challenge. It’s not only the creative struggle that comes with the branding dilemma but it’s also got a lot to do with the SEO, the ranking, the instant commitment to the brand and the ease of searching for it on Google. 

When it comes to searchability, there’s only one goal: make it as easy as possible for your market as well as potential customers who you would wish to attract to your website. Your website’s domain name will also influence and potentially even control your social media handles, so thinking of your branding strategy from a more holistic view will give you the edge you need to penetrate the market and leave a lasting impression. 

How to choose the best the domain name

Think of it this way… when you’re deciding what to name your child, you go through all the possibilities of nicknames, shortened versions of the name, pronunciation difficulty, perhaps even how the name would be perceived by foreigners. That same effort should go into naming your brand. 

It’s a given in this digital day and age that the moment you develop a brand you secure a domain name that correlates to your brand’s branding. Just as important as a logo, the impact your domain has on the public could lead them to convert more willingly. 

The more relatable, recognisable and impactful your domain name is, the easier it will be for users to find you and experience your website for its full features. But there’s a lot more to it than sticking a ‘.com’ after your brand name.

Here are 4 important tips that you should keep in mind when choosing your brand domain name:

1. Pick a top-level domain extension

There are a tonne of domain extension options, and depending on the industry you belong to, you might want to pick a focused domain extension to compliment your brand. With extension options such as ‘.photography’, ‘.design’, ‘.fashion’, ‘.construction’ and many other niche extensions, these options might be a great pick for you.

The most common domain extensions to look out for include; ‘.com’, ‘.net’, ‘.org’, ‘.co’ and even country based extensions such as ‘.mt’, ‘.de’, ‘.uk’ and so on. These generic extensions are easily remembered and much more sought after, meaning that the price might be slightly inflated or even unavailable entirely. 

There’s no harm in choosing the best alternative that’s available on the market. Always think strategically and you’ll make it work!

2. Keep it short: analyse the pronunciation and spelling

You know that awkward moment when your clients pronounce your name badly. Or when they post something on their socials and refer to your brand with the wrong spelling? Well… as loyal as your customers may be and as innocent as the mistake was, you should do your absolute best to avoid that from happening. 

Mono-syllable brands tend to be catchier in themselves, personal names even more so. Think of Apple or Smart  – two recognisable, mono-syllable brands that dominate the technology and automotive industry. They’re instantly recognisable and make for easily searchable domains (or redirected domains). Nike, sometimes pronounced Nike-y, is just as successful, albeit variations in pronunciation occur.

Final verdict: if people are talking about you, they’ll remember your name, as long as you’re recognisable. 

3. Say no to hyphens and double letters

Avoiding hyphens, double letters and other confusing characters in your domain name could be a beneficial option for your brand. When viewers cannot find your website instantly, and we’re talking a patience-span of 2-3 minutes, they’ll simply hop onto the next best thing. 

Your competitors, if they’re doing their job correctly, will catch on to this margin of error and make sure to redirect that typo as a sponsored content alternative on your SERP. It might be an innocent mistake from your audience’s side, but the moment they lose interest or are distracted by some other brand, you’ll have to work double time to win them back!

Keep it simple with clear characters and clean text. Your brand image will thank you. 

4. Do your research and secure other domain variations

Getting a creative agency on board might be the best option for your brand’s success when you’re making big decisions like committing to a brand name and choosing your domain. 4Sight is a multi-faceted company that is fueled by technological prowess, creative thinking and strategic planning – all in the aim of branding with impact and total market infiltration!

It’s easy to get the research done, but it’s even easier to miss out on one important factor that could cost you your brand’s success. Why not turn to the experts to make sure every box is ticked and every stone is turned?

We’re talking about a throughout keyword and market research that will make sure trademarking, copyright and registration laws are all followed, domain security where alternatives of your brand’s domains are in your possession as well as a variety of other hacks that will in turn boost your social media presence as well as online presence with every search, click and like!

Contact 4Sight today for your creative and strategic meeting on how to best bring forward your brand’s potential with a domain name that will gain everyone’s attention!