Choosing an IT company? 5 Things to Look for in an IT Support Company

So you’ve finally decided it’s time to welcome an IT Support Company into your team? Well, that’s great – best choice you could have made for the success of your workflow, synergy and efficiency in a team. But hold up… there are a few pointers we, the IT Support experts at 4Sight would like to fill you in on.

With our top 5 tips on what to look for in an IT Support Company; we might be able to convince you to switch ship to work with us, or give that ‘tech savvy’ graphic designer a break from fixing everyone’s printer and internet connection. We’ve all had a make-shift technician ‘sort out’ IT issues, but with pros like 4Sight, you know the job will get done right and allow your staff to focus on their actual jobs.

Choosing an IT Company

Here are our 5 top things to look out for:

1. Question their Contracts

Think of all the long term contracts you already have… whether it’s mobile providers or internet providers, are you happy with sticking to their services for 2 years? The likely answer is no. Well, why would you be happy working with the same IT Support Team for 2 years from the get go?

Start off with a trial to test the waters, even if it’s as short as 3 months, there are bound to be a number of issues to arise within that time and you’ll be happy to test out the service your potential IT Support Team could provide for your company.

2. Evaluate their Initiative

Are you about to sign on a support team who only shows up when something is broken? Leaving you out of action for several hours, possibly even days, simply because no sort of maintenance or check up was even thought of? No – that’s the wrong attitude.

IT Support Teams that work with a break/fix service ticket system are more likely to miss silly hiccups that could keep your team in full gear. The aim is to reduce the number of error tickets issued by staying on top of the game and identifying as many problems as possible before they happen.

3. Inspect their Certificates

Experience is golden; but that little piece of paper that justifies your hard work is just as significant. Looking into your IT Support Team’s credentials and achievements will keep your mind at rest. At 4Sight we boast a great balance of experienced and qualified professionals who are always hungry to learn more.

Our work ethic at 4Sight is based around innovation and there’s no better way to improve and unleash new solutions if our team stagnates in their education. Ongoing training is encouraged at 4Sight, giving all IT Support Team members the know-how and outlet to practice and perfect their skills.

4. Verify their Security

Security. Security. Security. Should we say it again? Security. This is the most critical element your IT Support Team needs to possess. Shoddy data security systems are no longer acceptable in the IT Support industry. Finding a team with expertise in data security will ensure that your company and all its data is safe and out of prying eyes’ way.

Choose a team that’s ready to explain exactly what’s going on, who shows you how things work and how best to implement high security detail for your company’s IT set-up. Cyber security is not the hardest thing to manage, but with the risks and dangers connected to the industry, it’s far better to employ experts to take the reigns.

5. Calculate their Response

Response time is so valuable in the IT Support industry; be sure to identify your SLAs (Service Level Agreements) before you sign any binding contracts and identify what would happen if timeframes are not met by your support team.

It’s important to note that service fixes may vary for different problems – it’s far easier to fix a printing problem than to reinstall a new software, set it up and get it up and running for the company’s entire workforce. At 4Sight we always aim to deliver as soon as possible and indicate how and when your IT problems will be solved with our 24/7 response team.

This is the key to 4Sight’s success – transparency. Our honest approach paired with experienced and trained professionals on our team helps to deliver top quality IT solutions for every computer crash or outbox problem you may face in your company. Get in touch to set up your first meeting.