HR Digital Transformation Trends 2024. How can Digital Transformation help HR Departments?

Digitization is the obvious path to a structured, organised and easily accessed future. Our daily life is fuelled by digital practice, and our work habits are equally affected by the speed, efficiency and mobile connectivity of digital transformation. Finding ways to digitize our work files, practices and models is what will keep our performance on the job, maintenance of projects and access to files at 2024’s speed. HR is a department that can benefit from digital transformation.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is easily understood as the transition from manual to digital. Whether you’re referring to book keeping, order taking or employee databases. A digital transformation system facilitates the ways employees, managers and suppliers engage with a business. Digital transformation is not only a process that facilitates the daily inputting of data, but it is also an outcome that a company can live by and succeed in, it’s the transformation that a business can experience by means of digitalisation. 

By changing the culture and mindset of a company, you are improving the perceptions of your staff. Many HR departments rely on memory, employee files that are in their responsibility to maintain, and very often deal with budgets, retention of staff and other highly sensitive information. 

Why should HR Departments undergo Digital Transformation?

Before any company will willingly jump on board the digitization train, they’d need to know the perks and the goals of taking the step. And when dealing with an old fashioned management model, highlighting the right perks is extremely important. 

Some of the key goals in giving your company the courage to undergo digital transformation include:

  • Efficiency: in the way processes are automated, reducing the efforts, time and money spent on maintaining consistency with repetitive tasks. This frees up employee time, allowing them to focus on more human-oriented tasks.
  • Experience: no matter how long an employee has been with a company, variety in their workflow is necessary to challenge them as they progress and develop into their role, a senior role or a management role. 
  • Effectiveness: when employees are challenged, they approach tasks with a different mindset, reducing their time on mundane repetitive tasks will open their creative or logical thought processes to achieve tasks with a better outcome and a clearer vision. 

HR Digital Transformation. What do I need to do?

HR digital transformation is an upgrade, from a dusty Windows ‘95 to a Windows 1. It’s a taxi ride in a Tesla compared to public transport; it’s an upgrade that you will appreciate when it comes to managing time consuming and concentration draining tasks such as payroll and bonuses, benefits and rewards, performance monitoring, staff development and even facilitates the hiring process

The perks you will benefit from when HR Digital Transformation becomes the norm in your company include:

  1. Increased information retention,
  2. Strengthened strategic management, 
  3. Facilitated employee retention, 
  4. Controlled updates to systems, 
  5. Access to and feasibility in communication.

So now that you understand why you should opt for digital transformation for your HR Department, learning what the process is can help you fully appreciate the process and the trends for 2024.

HR: Digitization, Digitalization and Digital Transformation

HR Digitization: the shift from a manual to a digital process. Example: converting all payslips to a digitally forwarded mailer than a printed sheet. 

HR Digitalization: a company that relies on modern technology to operate to the best of their ability. Example: an HR Department that trusts in the superiority of AI to maintain, interpret and process data for a cost-effective outcome. 

HR Digital Transformation: this process automates, controls, manages and improves the results, goals and outcomes of a project. Example: using a cloud-based tool or program to manage your HR responsibilities from a remote location without interruption to the flow and dynamic of the team on site. 

2024’s HR Digital Transformation Trends

What 2024 Trends can we expect to fulfill with HR Digital Transformation?

Both 2020 and 2021 gave us the push we needed as a society to accept digital transformation as the most viable solution for the future. With the majority of the clerical workforce working from home or remotely in a safe space, we learned the tricks of the future. Whether we accept these insights as gifts and use them in our daily work efforts or stick to our old ways of management is our choice, but 2023 will progress with remote and digitalised approaches for tech focused employees to flourish and maintain their work-life balance. 

Here are the 2024 Trends in HR Digital Transformation: 

  1. Growth in Artificial Intelligence to promote improved systems, models and structures for a more streamlined working experience.
  2. Easier access to cloud-based tools to promote the feasibility of connectivity across the globe at any time of day. 
  3. Access to virtual reality training tools to maintain CPD, skill improvements and access to new knowledge; all acquired virtually for ease of application, registration and acquisition of skills. 
  4. Improvement of chatbot functions, creating a task oriented environment where AI feeds the customer with information that will be delivered efficiently and systematically. 
  5. Acceptance of remote work as a viable and obvious choice that reduces the strains and stresses of commuting, the worries and fears of staff quarantine and other factors that might distract employees from their jobs. 

Finding the right path to improving the workforce, in their work ethic, their adaptation to tasks, their acceptance of bad news or even their value and self-worth within a company is usually all maintained by an HR representative, who through every effort not to, can make clerical mistakes and is subject to human error. 

HR members are often challenged with the fact that their evaluations may be inaccurate, but with computer controlled tools, error is 100% avoidable. The ways in which AI technology works allow for accurate, controlled and evaluated results each and every time with each and every employee. 

Balancing out the caring human element with the smarts and capacity of AI is the way to safeguard the future of HR and compliment the working force with a sound and structured place of work led by leading technology. 


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