4Sight CEO, Maurizio Mamo claims Malta’s Best Digital & IT Entrepreneur of the Year Award

The Malta Best Entrepreneur of the Year Awards 2019 took place on Friday the 20th of September and brought together a number of professionals nominated for their outstanding achievement in their respective fields. Organised by MBR Publications, this event took place in Kalkara’s technology park; Smart City and welcomed its guests for a black-tie event where professionals in the Gaming, Entrepreneurship, ICT and Food & Beverage came together in hope of claiming their award.

The Malta Best Entrepreneur of the Year Awards 2019 hosted by MBR Publications is an internationally-recognised award programme that is audited by an independent company – ensuring quality and reasonable credit of all nominees in the spotlight.

This year, 4Sight’s CEO Maurizio Mamo was recognised as Malta’s Best Digital & IT Entrepreneur of the Year, claiming his award for the devotion and determination he’s shown in his field. Maurizio accepted the award and commented:

“We are super proud of the achievement following a great year, filled with challenges and great success stories.”

He continued on to thank his team, customers and supporters;

“Without you 4Sight would not be possible.”

Maurizio was nominated for Malta’s Best Entrepreneur of the Year Awards he accepted with the aim of highlighting 4Sight’s move from a small start-up to a fully-fledged, dynamic team of experts.

“I take pride in my team; from their attitude towards the work our company entails to the pure passion that they have for their line of work – working with experts means that you can trust them to put their best foot forward with every hurdle they may encounter.”

4Sight’s combination of creativity, tailored marketing services and innovation fueled by results is what keeps the company at the head of the race.

4Sight is a multidisciplinary Group with its focus namely on IT Consultancy, IT Managed Services, IT Provisioning, Branding, Design, Digital Marketing, SEO and Software Development.